As the "webdood" for going on 13 years, and being the total geek that I am, I thought it might be useful to have a central place to where I can log random tech-related findings that I feel are noteworthy.
Over the years, I have come up with quite a number of "Tips and Tricks" and algorithms that were pretty gosh-darned cool at the time, but that now have been lost to the ages.
Example conversation between me and myself)
"Remember that cool widget that I wrote for Dreamweaver when I worked for Macromedia? "Yeah. Pretty slick for 1997!" "I could really use something like the "List of Lists" algorithm that I wrote for it." "I still have the hard drive from that era . . . . now if I can just find my ESDI controller......I really don't care if anyone ever reads this blog. It will serve as a storage place for my techno-ether-nerd-thoughts and code snippets. If I stray off-topic, then that's perfectly alright.
Postings that are deterministically constrained by having a Blog "topic" or theme, somewhat defeat the purpose of free-range-thinking that makes a blog interesting.
I will attempt to keep it to the subject of tech.
It should be expected that I will stray off-topic from time-to-time.
As I go about it.