Friday, August 24, 2007

Cayman Island Software Development Ninja

I have been offered a job in the Cayman Islands.
The name of the company is "Cayman Free Press" and they publish the Cayman Compass (daily newspaper) and several other periodic publications.  Three of the five magazines on the coffee table in my room were published by them.
I met with several people yesterday, got a tour of the printing presses and of their surprisingly sophisticated editorial facilities - everyone's got flat panels, running on the latest hardware.  They have the capability of creating content in Photoshop, Illustrator, Pagemaker or whatever and of creating the metal plates ultimately used for four-color printing.  Pretty interesting, somewhat analog stuff.
This all dovetails nicely in with my plans for circumnavigating the world - it could be considered the first stop of the trip.
As I get back to work there will, of course, be more postings to this blog as I again turn my attentions to technology.  I am actually kind of excited!
Shannon Norrell

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